Temple Buddhist Center is committed to providing meaningful meditation opportunities for everyone.
We offer daylong hybrid retreats on a quarterly basis, and one or two residential retreats per year.
Our next daylong retreat is March 22nd at Temple Buddhist Center.
Registration is now open.
As negative energy intensifies and our communities seem to pull further apart, our practice becomes more important than ever. Resilience and equanimity become a very powerful practice, indeed, a true path forward towards healing. Within the Buddhist tradition, we advocate for mind-training practices based on a set of Buddhist teachings that emphasize shifting from criticizing or changing the external situation and instead turn inward, seeing one’s own mind as the root of suffering, which allows us the opportunity to cultivate positive change.
The daylong retreat is an excellent way to deepen one's practice and is provided for the community to accommodate busy family lives. There will be sitting, walking, and movement meditations as well as conferences and a dharma talk. Participants are encouraged to bring a sack lunch, wear comfortable clothing and bring a reusable drinking cup.
Whether you have been meditating for years or weeks, we hope you will join us as we take a deeper dive into the practice together.
Daylong Retreat Schedule:
9:00 am Retreat Orientation (Zoom protocols, intros, expectations)
9:30 am Instruction & Sit
10:00 am walk/conference
10:30 am Sit
11:00 pm walk/conference
11:30 pm sit
12:00 pm lunch (bring sack or eat nearby)
1:15 pm Dharma talk & Q and A
2:30 pm walk/conference
3:00 pm Sit
3:30 pm Sharing Circle
4:00 Heart Practice and end.
There is value in consistent, daily meditation.
Please join us for some of these weekly mindfulness and meditation events. TBC hosts opportunities daily, weekly and monthly to meditate together in community with a leader/teacher to guide and support you.
Most of our classes, retreats, and events have an online option via either Livestream, Facebook Live, or Zoom, in addition to in-person. No matter how you choose to join us, you will feel included and welcome.
Go to our Classes & Event page to get more details and find out how to connect.
TBC Sunday Service at 9am (livestreamed and in-person) and 10:30am (in-person)
All levels of practice are invited to join us each Wednesday afternoon for meditation and discussion around the current book we are reading. Join anytime! (on Zoom)
Practicing in the tradition of Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh, this group focuses on mindfulness, meditation and teachings from around the world and from some of todays most influential spiritual leaders. (on Zoom)
Insight Meditation: Thursday Evening Sangha with Robert Brumet @ 7pm (Zoom)